A site specific audiovisual performance presented as the opening act
of Museumnacht Amsterdam 2011.

The key concept of the composition is about the connection of individual elements and how they form new structures and experiences when coming together. 
The custom made visuals are designed using the architecture of the Scheepvaartmuseum‘s courtyard as a starting point. The sound was designed for and played on eight separate channels in an octophonic setup. Besides the sound and video projection the 868 LED lights mounted on the ceiling were put into effect. The numerous LEDs were synchronised, creating a lightscape from the intersection points of the glass roof’s steel frame. 
Project realised at Museumnacht 2011, Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam.

Luuk Meuffels
concept, visuals

Carolien Teunisse
concept, visuals

Robin Koek
sound design

Sonic Architecture

